En Alrubber, trascendemos la intermediación de caucho y látex natural, estamos comprometidos con brindar una experiencia integral que exceda las expectativas. Cada interacción está diseñada para proporcionar soluciones personalizadas y un soporte confiable para nuestros clientes.

Brand Philosophy

At Alrubber, we transcend the intermediation of rubber and natural latex. We are committed to providing a comprehensive experience that exceeds expectations. Every interaction is designed to provide personalized solutions and reliable support for our customers.


We supply factories in the rubber and natural latex industry in America, Europe and Asia. We know the market so we can lead agile and effective solutions and building long-term alliances.



To be on main references for the rubber and natural latex industry in the global market, promoting the manufacture of products that replace final imported products.



Knowledge | Trust | Professionalism | Adaptability | Innovation | Commitment| Continuous growth



Certifield quality

Our raw materials have certifications of origin that guarantee their quality, providing confidence and security. (ISO 9001:2015).


We have vast experience in the sector, we provide knowledge and passion at each stage of the process. From initial advice to after-sales service, we provide optimal professional assistance.

Global connection

Our strategic connections allow us to have quick responses and adaptability to market dynamics, benefiting both producers and clients in terms of logistics and business opportunities.


Team Alrubber

Romina Btesh

Romina Btesh

Managing Director

I lead financial administration, institutional relations, being a link with the rubber plantations.

Verónica Btesh

Verónica Btesh

Financial Manager

I lead financial administration, institutional relations, being a link with the rubber plantations.

“At Alrubber, we are the strategic connection on the field rubber and natural latex. “We stay ahead of trends and guarantee that our clients always get the best quality on the market”

Alrubber Team